Our Story

In 2012 my journey to motherhood began.  The excitement was immeasurable, but a few weeks into my first pregnancy I began to feel the symptoms of morning sickness.  It started mild, but then became constant and intense nausea, vomiting and aversions to almost everything.  My morning sickness became debilitating, and against all my desires to be drug free, I began taking medication to keep from dehydration and hospitalization.

I googled the heck out of morning sickness treatments, and in 2012 ginger tea, some sugar candies and accupressure were my only natural options.  Nothing worked for me and I was still left horribly sick and miserable.  I felt so guilty because my nausea overshadowed the joy I wanted to exude!  I had always envisioned being this bubbly, "glowing" pregnant woman. Instead, my all day sickness persisted until the day I gave birth, and it subsided instantly.

I didn't have high hopes for my second pregnancy, but I found that sparkling drinks with sugar eased my nausea enough to take the edge off.  I also reached out to a naturopath who was so excited for me to try some proven vitamins of B6 and Mg to lessen my morning sickness.  Sadly, I couldn't keep the pills down.  

One day, so frustrated,  I thought...maybe I can find an tablet that dissolved like alka-seltzer that included those vitamins my naturopath recommended.  But everything on the market was unsafe for pregnancy, filled with energy enhancers and countless ingredients.

I made it my mission at that moment to develop my own remedy...all the recommended ingredients for morning sickness relief, in one dose, that is bubbly, dissolves in water, tastes good, and is easy to ingest and safe for mama and baby.

After my second baby was born I worked closely with my naturopath, used my education in Biology and created a recipe. I then knocked down doors until I found a reputable vitamin manufacturer that would help bring my Elixir to life.  Almost two years later, Fizzelixir was born.

The timing was perfect, and I was able to use my own creation during my third pregnancy, which proved even tougher as I was sick with two little kids to take care of!  I still suffered the intense nausea and vomiting as with my first two pregnancies, but Fizzelixir offered me such tremendous relief that I didn't even need my prescription medication!

I’m thrilled to be the creator of a product that  actually works, and now I'm dedicated to helping you find relief and enjoy your pregnancy.

I felt so alone, so frustrated, so guilty and so sick.  I hope that if you're feeling this way you  remember that you'll get through this and soon you'll have a beautiful baby, and it will all be worth it.  In the meantime, Fizzelixir is here to help.

I hope you Sip, Soothe, and bring out that Sparkling Mama!

Tami Lennox
CEO and Founder

Tami Lennox

Tami Lennox
CEO and Co-founder